Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Still goofing around with Bonanzle

Ok, so it took a bit of doing but the Bonanzle site is up and running. The set up was actually easy. The hard part it turns out was getting the import of my eBay listings to port over. Filled out a few blank spots, click a few radio buttons and BAM, Bonanzle was queued and importing. 6 Hours later Bonanzle was still telling me it was importing.
Turns out the issue was it imported but was supposed missing a field so non of my items could go live. The Booth items where all grey. I ended up having go into each item and just click save. Very weird. I didn't have to make any edit, just a save. Glitch in the Matrix maybe...

Anywhoo, I am now all Bonanzled. I am not exactly sure what that means just yet, but hey can't hurt!

Will post when/if something sells...